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I had not realized how long it's been since my last blog post. I apologize. The rug was pulled out from under me several times, and I was too distracted with keeping upright to worry about much else. My book is still scheduled to be published next month, but the world is falling apart right now. We will be okay. We always are. But right now, it's hard.

Covid-19 has not messed around when it comes to making the rounds. While the media has downplayed the effects within a young, healthy person's body, I am afraid for my mother. She checks off several of the "high-risk" boxes, so we are being extremely diligent in my household. Yes, I have given in to my germophobia for the time being.

But instead of focusing on the negatives of this global pandemic, I have been pleasantly surprised by some of the positives. Our world is cleansing itself of pollutants, as seen from space and the re-emergence of swans and fish in the Venice canals. Communities are banding together to make room for the older or sicker or weaker among us - those who would normally have been elbowed aside. People are sewing masks for the medical community as supplies dwindle. Some employers are taking care of their employees, even when their own futures are uncertain. Families are forced together and remembering what quality time is all about. Parents are appreciating teachers as they attempt to home school. People are creative in their quarantines, offering free concerts and virtual art displays. And the necessity of virtual work and financial relief are pushing forward ideas that may have dragged, such as work from home options, benefits and appreciation to hourly staff of various industries, etc. So I say to you all... try to focus on the good. It's there if you just look for it.

We will get through this. Much love to you all.

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