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Wasting away again

Today's entry is not a poem. Today, I'm blogging about energy conservation - your own.

It seems to me so many adults (myself included, most days) are spent by the end of their workdays. They're spent because they - I - have donated all of my energies toward things that don't matter to me.

I no longer have an ounce of concern for the goings on at my day job, but I still devote 10 1/2 precious hours of my day to it. I let it abuse me and wear me ragged, and like most dysfunctional relationships, once it's over, there's no more left of me to give to something better. It takes from me, and like water over stones, it wears me down. But instead of becoming polished and pretty, I am old, tired, getting gray hair, only ever growing older. Every hour taken from me is one I shall never have back.

Running errands and paying bills and small talk that never amounts to anything - it is depleting the best parts of me.

What are your life wasters? Is there a person, in whom you spill all of your efforts and energies, but whose relationship with you never seems satisfying? Is there a certain task or a job you hate that keeps you from pursuing a life much more suited for you? Do you ever even think about it?

I say we shed these burdens on our backs. Yes, we will still have to buy groceries and pay bills and pick up prescriptions and have our vehicles serviced, but what would happen if we got rid of the rest? What if we actually sought work that left us fulfilled and more satisfied at the end of our days? What if we tried to publish that book or sell that painting or start up your own accounting firm? What's the worst that would happen... more of our time was wasted?

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