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Morton Morelli, Author & Musician

1. Tell us a little about yourself and your background.

I am married, I live in the English countryside with my wife and children. I have 1 book published so far, and I am working on the second. I also have book 3 and 4 lined up and I know how they go - it is just about time to write them out.

2. So, what have you written/created?

Sardine Packing is my latest book. It is an awful term used in WW2, and I couldn't get away from it as the title. it starts in WW2 and very soon comes to present day. The question posed is how the past is connected to the present. Rich banker, controlling water. A little science fiction in there with a product used to extend life. Hopefully a page turner. *

3. Are you currently working on anything?

I also am a musician and I have an album coming out soon. I have written the songs already and recorded demos, so the band can learn the songs for the recording mid-August. Hopefully available in September 2016.

4. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?

I would like to speak French and Spanish.

5. What is the meaning of life?

I don't think there is a reason, nor should there need to be one. We should just be happy.

6. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

My guitar. It is a one off and has a great sound.

7. What’s the last thing you ate?

Salad. I am keen on being in decent shape, so I am mindful of what I eat. Salad is a great option for my body. I avoid bread, potatoes and pasta, choose fish rather than meat.

8. What advice would you give your six-year-old self?

Write and write some more.

9. Where do your ideas come from?

Throughout life we are surrounded by ideas. I have at least 12 short stories, 40 songs and they just arrive, often fully complete. So I think a lifetime of looking and listening and a little bit of luck.

10. Why do you think sex sells?

It appeals to us all. Time to say goodbye if you are not enjoying sex, so we are bound to want to read about it.

11. What's more important: characters or plot?


12. How well do you handle rejection?

Not really concerned, as we can't all like the same things, so not something I would worry about.

13. What are your ambitions for your career?

I would like a best seller, mainly so I can write more.

14. What inspires you?

Walt Disney was amazing. Making people happy is a great thing to achieve with your life, and on it goes well after his death.

15. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which color would it be?


16. Any last thoughts?

If you want to write but don't, just pick up a pen and do it.

*Synopsis of Sardine Packing:

It is the summer of the year 1940, in the picturesque village of Rittershoffen, where the previously quiet lives of the villagers are about to be thrown into turmoil, and changed forever. It is here that we meet Hans Grubber, a young German officer who is determined to make a difference, particularly in the lives of the beautiful Sophie, and her young daughter.

Present- The eminent psychologist Dr. David Prost is reacquainted with a childhood, family friend at a lecture he is giving in Washington D.C. For Emily Meyers, their reunion opens up old wounds, and an even older mystery. Meanwhile, her sister, the vivacious Eleanor Meyers, embarks upon her dream job as a translator for the entrepreneur, and billionaire banker Richard Weiss. All is not as it seems though, and Eleanor begins to suspect that working for Wiess might be the dream job she imagined, as strange events begin to collide with her, and her sisters’ past.

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