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Gloria Herrmann

Tell us a little about yourself and your background.

I’m a new author, like brand spankin’ new. I released my first book in October of 2015, then another in January of 2016. My third is set to release in April, and I just wrapped up the fourth book in my series. My story is simple, I was born in southern California, I fell in love with drawing, reading, and writing early on. Basically if art was somehow involved, I was interested. I continued my love for all things art all through school and even into college, but it was writing that tended to be the best medium for me to express myself. As an avid reader, I enjoy words, simply put. I love language. Real life got into the way of writing and drawing, I still was a reader, but I had put the pen down. Eventually, I married and we moved up to eastern Washington. I became a mother, and we lived our little happy lives in a gorgeous area.

Fast forward through the years to 2015, we had just endured several health scares with my father, and mortality reared its ugly head, causing me to take a hard look at my own. I was going to be thirty-five, and I knew that if I was going to ever write a book as I had always promised myself, I’d better get to it. I came up with an idea about a tale of four siblings, and how their lives changed within a year. The Cloverleaf Series was born.

What are your ambitions for your career?

My hopes are that I will be able to reach a lot of readers and that they enjoy what I write. I am not looking for fame or fortune, though I wouldn’t mind either. My main ambition is to be taken seriously as an author and to make readers happy.

So, what have you written/created?

Well, as far as published works, I have written the Cloverleaf Series. I have included the first two book links. I did win a fun award at the start of the year, Best Debut Author of 2015 from Coast to Coast Book Besties.

Are you currently working on anything?

I just finished book 4 in the Cloverleaf Series, but now I will be finishing up a project I started awhile back, The Pass Through. It’s a supernatural romance, and unlike anything I have ever written. I sent it out to a couple people to sample it, and even the guys enjoy this one. I also have several other series in mind. My brain is like a Brooklyn apartment, small, overcrowded with far too many people all wanting their story told. It’s a great problem to have as a writer.

So if that wasn’t enough I have created a blog for authors and a small business to help other authors. Please look for the links at the end of this interview.

What would constitute a perfect day for you?

My desires are simple, I enjoy a lot of different things, most of which include coffee. But I suppose my perfect day would include time spent with my family or friends, some shared laughs, great food, and something a little stronger than coffee. I don’t care if this time is spent outside on my deck, around my dining room table, just as long as I’m with the people I care about. Then, there is the selfish perfect day, the one where no one is around, it’s just me and my writing, well, and my coffee. I’m so lucky because this selfish perfect day happens almost daily!

For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

I’m grateful for a lot of things, the support of my family, my friends, and now my readers as I embark on this literary journey. I’m grateful that I am who I am, as odd as that sounds. What I mean by it, is that I am not afraid to put myself out there, regardless of how foolish I may seem. I am thankful that I don’t care half the time what people think. Don’t get me wrong, there are moments of crippling self doubt, I wouldn’t be a real writer if I didn’t have bouts of that. But I am lucky that I’m semi-fearless, ignorant, or just too plain dumb to worry about not doing what I love.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?

Do super hero qualities or abilities count? If so, I’m so good with that, but it would be hard to narrow it down to one!

What is the meaning of life?

I love this question. The answer changes all the time and changes with each person that answers it. For me, the meaning of life is many things. It’s the birth of my children, raising these little people to become special and helpful in a world that needs more kindness. It’s the love I share with my husband, the unbreakable bond that we have. It’s seeing my parents with my children. It’s doing something that I completely and truly love doing. The meaning of life is sometimes summed up by a perfectly brewed cup of coffee. So the answer is constantly changing.

Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

My in-laws lost everything in a fire several years ago. Though devastated, they were thankful to be alive. They of course discussed what they wish they could have saved. I suppose if this were the case for me, I would have to grab either pictures of my children or my laptop, which has pictures and my work, so a win win.

What’s the last thing you ate?

I should say tacos just because I constantly post that’s what I eat. But to be truthful, I’m a walking carb. I ate a bagel with my coffee as I worked on this interview. I’m thinking I need some chocolate soon, and maybe a taco.

What inspires you?

Inspiration is a funny thing. I find that like the meaning of life question, this also changes a lot. Somedays it’s romance that inspires me, sometimes it’s witnessing a good deed or an act of kindness that restores my faith in humanity. Other times, it’s comedy, the sad real life stuff that hits close to home. It really all depends, all I know is that I’m constantly up for finding it and using it!

Who is your role model?

I could go with the traditional, my parents are my role models, blah blah blah. But I really admire several authors. Debbie Macomber, that woman is one that I simply adore. I even had my work compare to hers, what an honor! She is so incredibly talented, in a simple, non-superficial way. Then there are the other greats, Nora, Fern, Chuck, Stephen, oh, the list goes on. These are the people I look up to and strive to become like. I love my parents, and they were influential in me becoming the person I am today. I do look at them as role models, but as an adult I see them as people, a married couple, and I see them for who they are. There is no hero worship, but genuine love and admiration for them. I kind of worship those authors I mentioned.

Do you have any superstitions?

I used to believe in a lot of them, a black cat crossing your path, the mirror breaking and seven years of bad luck, not walking under a ladder, all that nonsense. Now, I pick up the cat and just throw the broken mirror away. Granted, I still don’t walk under ladders, you never know, better to be safe than sorry.

What's your proudest accomplishment?

Now, if this question was just about me, I’d say becoming published. But, I sort of think that I’m actually more proud of the things my children are accomplishing. My son is a genius, he takes an active part in robotics at his school, and now competes. But it’s not that he can fiddle with electronics, it is what he wants to do with his ability and knowledge that makes me burst with pride. He wants to create different limbs for vets, he wants to create software for bionic organs for patients that need organ transplants. He wants to save lives. My daughter, she is an all around amazing girl, a talented athlete, studious scholar, and kind beyond words. Seeing her demonstrate love and compassion, it just makes my heart swell with pride. Because these two people, they are going to do terrific things, and that will be my greatest accomplishment.

Do you have any pets? What are their names?

I do, we are like a mini-zoo. We have an English Bulldog, Herbie aka MR. MEATY, that has made some fans on Instagram. Then there is our beautiful golden/yellow lab, Talbot. We have a gorgeous all white cat, with green eyes, she isn’t my biggest fan, mainly because of said dogs, but her name is Powderpuff. We also have a 22 pound sulcata tortoise, he was named Little Foot, but now lovingly goes by Turtleman. We recently lost some sea monkeys, quite tragic. We also have a Blue headed Amazon Parrot, not living at our home thank goodness, that has been in our family for over thirty-six years. Chester, is a foul mouth and cranky bird, but we sure love him.

How well do you handle rejection?

Well, I’m not in a drunken stupor or have slit my wrists, so pretty good actually. Does it bum me out? Yes. Do I eventually crawl from beneath my covers and face the world again? It takes awhile, but eventually. Rejection sucks, we all go through it, some of us are better equipped at coping, coming back for more every single time we put our heart and soul out on display, we are called, artists.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I think anyone who knows me already knows this answer. However, those who don’t, I would have to say tacos. Or chocolate. My needs are simple. I love Chinese, Mexican, oh hell, I love food. #curvywriter

How and when did you first get interested in your artistic field?

As mentioned earlier in this interview, I got started pretty young. As far as how I got interested in writing romance, that comes from my mom giving me my first Harlequin paperback when I was in like ninth grade. I fell in love with romance, I always loved cheesy movies, musicals and romantic comedies. Novels, both contemporary and classic, they just moved me. So, when I decided to finally do this, to write that manuscript, I didn’t go the great American novel route, I didn’t channel my inner Hemingway, nope. I decided I wanted to be like Debbie, Nora, Fern, and all the other leading ladies that were writing romance.

What did you want to do/be when you were a child?

Well, funny as it sounds, a writer. I wanted to be an author or a teacher. I was in college, with the mindset that I would teach English, then life sort of derailed those plans, but I still ended up doing what I wanted.

If you could hang out with one celebrity, who would it be?

Are we talking dinner and drinks? Or hanging out with my celebrity crush? Actually, I would love to hang out with either Judy Blume, who was one of my biggest heroes growing up, I would love to sit and have coffee, look out her enormous living room window, and see Central Park. Then again, I’d love to share a cup of tea with Debbie Macomber, maybe see if she could teach me how to knit the lovely way that she does. Then there is Mr. Stephen King, who I may be getting to meet next fall. To chat with him would be incredible to say the least. I’m really good with any of these options if you are looking at doing some sort of ‘Make a Wish’ for authors.

When are you at your best?

Usually if plenty of coffee or booze have been consumed, I’m pretty much on top of my game. Actually, stress can fuel me to perform well, but I hate that. Like one time my deadline got pushed up three times, I ended up writing a 85K word novel in less than three weeks, yeah, that was rough, but it was also some of my best work.

What advice would you give your six-year-old self?

Someday these people will be saying they knew you, and you can smile, and say, “Yes, you did when you bullied me.” Everything comes full circle.

Would you rather be good at what you do and unrecognized, or terrible at what you do but widely celebrated?

Brilliant friggin’ question. I want both! Actually, I want to be good at what I do, but hell, I’m down to be a Kardashian.

If I could tell you when and how you were going to die, would you want to know?

Normally, the insane planner in me would want to know. But in truth, I wouldn’t be able to live the rest of my life knowing the exact moment and cause of death. Or maybe I would live it up, knowing that nothing would harm me until those final moments anyway. Hmm...I need to think more about this. Why, do you know something?

What was your favorite story when you were growing up?

Ugh, the torture of this question. I loved and still do love Shel Silverstein, and so I could name several or all of his work. I also loved and still do love, Judy Blume’s, Are you there God, it’s me Margaret. You know what, I refuse to answer this question. It’s like asking me to choose which of my children I love more, it simply can’t be done!

What would you do today if you were completely fearless?


In a movie of your life what would be the climax?

Right now. I think as my career is starting to blossom a little, and I’m growing more into “me”, this is on the way to the climax.

Why do you write?

I could go on and on about how it’s like air, and I need it to survive, how the voices drive me mad, and blah, blah, blah. But no, I write because I love it. I write because the people that have read my work, tell me they love it. It’s really simple when you break it down. Or we can go with the whole tortured bit, your choice?

What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?

As I mentioned earlier, mortality. The realization that I didn’t have “forever”. Sometimes when you have enough of a shake up in your life, that’ll be enough to motivate you to sit your ass down and do it. You can make all the excuses you want, but ultimately, we die, and I didn’t want to regret not doing this. I’m not sure if I will wind up in heaven or hell, but I’m not taking any chances, because what if we have regrets after we die? Eternity is a friggin’ long time.

How do you think you've evolved creatively?

I don’t use crayons anymore to draw a picture.

Do you have any advice for other artists or authors?

Oh do I! My first piece of invaluable advice is, respect other authors or those that are practicing the same art you are. They are the most important support system, especially in the online world. The second, if you are a writer, you will write, because that is what a writer does. You don’t need someone to validate your love for it. Just do it. Just write.

What's your favorite quote or saying?

Now, this question is not fair, not one little bit. I will give you a few quotes that I use A LOT!

“Write drunk, edit sober.”--Hemingway

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”--Eleanor Roosevelt

“I found it hard, it’s hard to find, oh well whatever, nevermind.”---Nirvana

“It’s been real, it’s been fun, but was it real fun?”---Green Day

Do you have any strange writing habits/rituals?

I always need to have something to drink, whether it be coffee, tea, a beer, or a bottle of water...I must have this unsaid desire to stay hydrated.

What book do you wish you could have written?

Okay, Barber Walters, enough with the tough questions! God, there are so many incredible books floating around out there. I could go with the classics, modern works, I just can’t decide.

Do you read your reviews? How do you respond?

The word review is almost as nasty as the word deadline. I do read them, I also answer every single one. Reviews are so vital to the success of authors nowadays, and I hate them. Not because I get terrible ones, because in all honesty, I have only had a couple rough reviews. It’s the fact that our whole career can be swung by these reviews. We live in such a different literary world today.

What literary or movie character is most like you? How?

Where the Wild Things Are, especially if I have not had coffee….Good Lord. Seriously, Stranger than Fiction. I cannot tell you how many times the things I have written have started to come true for people that closely resemble the characters in my books. It’s weird, it’s stranger than fiction. Okay, you see what I did there, right?

Why do you think sex sells?

Well, look at how sexy I am? I think that should answer your question. Actually, it does, sadly. Unfortunately, my books don’t contain a whole lot of it either. I also don’t have a sexy set of abs gracing my covers either, and I wonder sometimes if that is why I’m not moving up fast on the book food chain. I see other authors, that well, they suck to be honest, I mean their writing is downright awful. (Please note I’m not saying every erotica author’s writing is awful, just that some authors who are terrible at writing are making their way to the by selling sex.) But their books are filled with nothing but sex, more sex, and even a little more just for good measure. Guess what, they are ranking far better than some truly talented authors, like Debbie Macomber, who also doesn’t feature a lot of love making in her books. Granted, overall Debbie is and has been number one on the NY Best Seller list for years. But my point is, that yes, sex sells. We are easily influenced by pretty and sexy things, it’s not right, but it’s the way it is and we are all guilty of buying in.

What's more important: characters or plot?

You can’t really have one without the other. I have read books that lacked a good plot, but the characters were great, and then vice versa, what resulted was me being disappointed and not fully happy as a reader. Maybe they should’ve just added some sex to it, after all sex does sell. *Please see earlier rant. ;)

Any last thoughts?

This has been the longest, most random interview….but also one of the very BEST I have ever had the pleasure of doing. Thanks, Kit.

Please check Gloria out on some of her social media. She really is hilarious and very talented! - Kit

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