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Beauty Surrounds

It is funny to me how you can open those floodgates of creativity, and things you never thought of before come pouring out.

I am writing a novel, you guys. I have never written anything that lengthy before. In fact, in assignments and competitions, making the minimum length has always been an issue for me. I feel like I say what I want pretty succinctly. That's the beauty of the English language. There are so many options from which to choose when it comes to syntax.

Anyway, a novel is in the works, and I already have an idea for my second.

I can see art all around me these days. It helps that it's Fall and I live in a beautiful part of the state. But beauty is all around us, everywhere, if we open our eyes to it. Sounds that are so commonplace can tickle your ears if heard within a certain mindset. The prose of things we read are so perfect sometimes that it requires a second to ponder it. Tastes come alive and touch and smells. I swear I'm not on drugs. It's just beauty.

So my challenge to you today is to take it all in. Things you think you see every day - really look at them. Touch and smell and taste your partner's skin, and listen to the leaves crunch beneath your feet.

Sending love to each pair of eyes reading this. <3

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