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Sexy Pizza Rats

Halloween is a weird thing for me. I adore the holiday. The weather is amazing, and any excuse to dress up is always welcome. And who doesn't love candy?

But I am always disappointed, despite myself. I don't know how many others of you other there feel the same way, but I am so tired of every costume for women having to be sexy. Sexy skeletons. Sexy sharks. A sexy pizza rat costume? Really?

And what's more disturbing is how many women go along with it. Why? I've only ever heard that women like the excuse to be slutty for a night without judgment. Is that true? Whose judgment are they hoping to avoid? It must be other women because I'm pretty sure men feel the same about a sexy nurse as they would a slutty Wednesday night bar-goer. If it is other women, how does that make sense? It is just agreed upon by an entire gender to withhold whatever morals or social morays forbid the exact same acts any other day? Strange.

But I suppose that just makes me the one to pass judgment.

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